User Guide


Tickbot is a CLI-based, easy-to-use task manager.


Manage tasks

You can check your task list, add or delete a task, mark a task as completed, and add tags for a tasks.

Save the task list

Your task list is automatically saved to your computer, so no need to worry about data loss!

Both console interface and GUI

Tickbot is shipped with both console interface and GUI. Start up the application with no command line arguments to use GUI; start up with a command line argument --cli to use the console interface.


deadline - Add a deadline task

Add a deadline task to your task list.

Usage: deadline <content> /by <yyyy-MM-dd[ HH:mm[:ss]]>

event - Add a event task

Add a event task to your task list.

Usage: event <content> /at <yyyy-MM-dd[ HH:mm[:ss]]>

todo - Add a TO-DO task

Add a TO-DO task to your task list.

Usage: todo <content>

list - list all tasks

Show all your tasks in the task list.

Usage: list

done - mark a task as completed

Mark a task with given index in the task list is completed.

Usage: done <index>

delete - delete a task

Remove a task with given index from your task list.

Usage: delete <index>

tag - add tags to a task

Add tags to a task with given index in the task list.

Usage: tag <index> [<tag> ...]

help - show help for commands

Show the help message for commands


bye - exit the program

Exit the program.

Usage: bye